Review & Monitor

Another one of our unique qualities is we won’t head for the hills once the initial mahi has been done! In fact, we understand that the real mahi takes place once a new waste system or solution is up and running.

Review & Monitor

Another one of our unique qualities is we won’t head for the hills once the initial mahi has been done!  In fact, we understand that the real mahi takes place once a new waste system or solution is up and running.  Because of this, we offer a Review & Monitor service which allows us to support customers through the teething phase and into the future.  We can develop an annual Review & Monitor programme where we regularly revisit your business and carry out a comprehensive review of your new waste system and infrastructure, complete with a comprehensive report and recommendations.  We want to know if your Triple Bottom Line is getting the gains made available, and if those Circular Economy opportunities are heading in the right direction – around, and around, and around……!

Not in budget?  Not to worry, we can provide detailed content within your post-audit report that outlines how you and your team can conduct any ongoing reviews required ­ super easy!
